Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
Issued by the MATFUND Foundation
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Problem K/C. 778. (September 2023)

K/C. 778. A rectangle is divided into nine small rectangles with lines parallel to its sides as shown in the figure. The areas of five rectangles are known, the remaining four are unknown (as shown). Determine the area of the four rectangles. (The figure is not to scale.)

(5 pont)

Deadline expired on October 10, 2023.

Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation

Megoldás. Ha két téglalapnak van egyenlő hosszú oldala, akkor a területük aránya egyenlő a másik oldaluk arányával. Így a 36 cm\(\displaystyle ^2\) és 24 cm\(\displaystyle ^2\) területű téglalapok területének aránya ugyanúgy 3:2, mint a 20 és \(\displaystyle t_1\) területű téglalapok aránya, azaz \(\displaystyle t_1=20\cdot\frac23=\frac{40}{3}~\textrm{cm}^2\).

Hasonlóképpen (a 36 : 24 = \(\displaystyle t_2\) : 8 aránypárból) \(\displaystyle t_2=8\cdot\frac32=12~\textrm{cm}^2\).

A \(\displaystyle t_2\) : 20 = \(\displaystyle t_3\) : 30 aránypárból \(\displaystyle t_3=30\cdot\frac{12}{20}=18~\textrm{cm}^2\), illetve a \(\displaystyle t_4\) : 24 = \(\displaystyle t_3\) : 8 aránypárból \(\displaystyle t_4=24\cdot\frac{18}{8}=54~\textrm{cm}^2\).


271 students sent a solution.
5 points:125 students.
4 points:23 students.
3 points:13 students.
2 points:19 students.
1 point:4 students.
0 point:9 students.
Not shown because of missing birth date or parental permission:72 solutions.

Problems in Mathematics of KöMaL, September 2023